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About Dr. Paul Schempp

Dr. Paul Schempp is an award-winning researcher, keynote speaker, author, consultant and recognized authority on developing leadership expertise and improving team performance. To have Dr. Paul speak at your next event, call 706.202.0516, email him at or visit his website | more information about Dr. Paul Schempp
Oct 20, 2021

The Vision of a Leader

2021-10-20T16:25:45+00:00October 20th, 2021|Performance Blog|

Research finds that the clearly articulated vision of a leader can inspire, motivate, build trust, stimulate commitment, empower, and guide the actions of a team into a productive and profitable future (Haque, et al., 2020).  The vision of a leader [...]

Sep 30, 2021

The Power of the Humble Leader

2021-09-30T20:38:19+00:00September 30th, 2021|Performance Blog|

It is traditionally thought that great leaders are both bold and brash.  But new research indicates that the humble leader has strengths that extend beyond those who believe a strong personality is the path to effective leadership.  The humble leader [...]

Jul 14, 2021

How Leaders Shape Culture to Improve Performance

2021-07-14T12:38:17+00:00July 14th, 2021|Performance Blog|

An extensive research study was undertaken to determine the relationships between leadership, culture, and organizational outcomes.  Two consecutive national leadership surveys yielded data from 570 participants. The results found that performance outcomes were affected by both organizational culture and team [...]

May 6, 2021

Building High-Performing Teams

2021-05-06T18:04:24+00:00May 6th, 2021|Performance Blog|

A challenge for any leader is assembling and stimulating a team that performs efficiently and effectively to achieve a high level of success.  For leaders facing this challenge, there is a proven and workable 4-step process for building high-performing teams [...]

Mar 30, 2021

Team Decision Making and Satisfaction

2021-03-30T15:46:45+00:00March 30th, 2021|Performance Blog|

In any successful organization, certain decisions are best made by teams--especially when those teams must take responsibility for and act on those decisions.  An interesting study analyzed how team members’ attitudes and perceptions developed before and during team decision-making.  The [...]

Mar 22, 2021

Overcoming Adversity to Thrive

2021-03-22T18:42:15+00:00March 22nd, 2021|Performance Blog|

Few would argue against these being challenging times.  Almost all of us--either individually or collectively--are staring adversity in the face daily and seeking ways to thrive in this difficult period. A 32-year longitudinal study of children from 'at risk' backgrounds [...]

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